2022-05-04 00:28:45 热度:



Stand by a tree stump waiting for a hare

There is a farmer in the Song Dynasty who is digging in the fields. Suddenly, he saw a hare screaming out from the grass next to him, slamming into the tree stump on the edge of the field, and he fell there and did not move. The peasant walked over and saw: the rabbit died. Because it runs too fast, it knocks the neck. The peasant was very happy. He had no strength to spend, and he had a fat and big hare.



He thought to himself; if he could get to the hare every day, the days would be better. Since then, he is no longer willing to work hard. Every day, he put his hoe on his side and lay in front of the tree, waiting for the second and third hare to hit the tree. There are so many cheap things in the world. Of course, the peasants did not pick up the dead hare again, and his field was ridiculous.


This idiom satirizes those who just wait for a stroke of luck, rather than making efforts to obtain what they need. 





影视英语视频号把英文电影和英美剧中出现频率较高的英语口语表达剪辑整理到一块儿,便于英语爱好者们精听精练,模仿语音语调。看完小视频记得点个小心心哦! 英语中那些简短实用的英语口语表达,学起来吧! Right as rain 这句英语表示非常健康,令人满意,一帆风顺,一切顺利的意思。 Your wife will be back in a week or two and everything will be right as rain again. 再过一两个星期你妻子就会回来了,那时一切又会好起来的。 A ...[详细]
“中国汉字”不是“Chinese Word”
容易说错的几个常见表达学起来~! 1. 中国汉字不是Chinese word 就算是学了英语,汉字还是我们最亲切最熟悉的字,那么汉字的英文表达是什么? Chinese word ✘ Chinese character [ˈkriktə] ✔ 中国汉字是象形文字,方框字,上世纪50年代为了方便学习才发明了拼音,所以,汉字需要用单独的词来表达,就是Chinese character. 汉字是这样表达,但是世界上大多数语言都是字母拼成,他们都有字母表,比如英语有26个字母,所以,英文单词是字母组成词汇,那一定是...[详细]
“I'll say”可不是“我将要说”!
每天讲解一个实用口语表达,帮你轻松学英语!常用的口语表达学透,才能真正提高英语口头交流的能力。今天要和大家分享的口语表达是:Ill say. Ill say. 可不能理解成我会说的意思哦。这个表达在口语中单独成句,它表示:Absolutely, I strongly agree. 就是:很有同感,非常同意的意思。 - Look over there, Is that girl Mary? She looks like a million dollars in that new dress. - 看那边,那...[详细]
研究生英语是postgraduate, 还是graduate student?
两种表达都对,只是英国人喜欢用postgraduate表示研究生,而美国人喜欢用graduate student。 其实,更严格的英式英语用postgraduate student。在不会引起歧义的情况下,student会被省略。 即便美式英语,也有时会把student省略掉,直接用graduate表示研究生。如,《韦氏大学词典》(Merriam-Websters Collegiate Dictionary)对graduate有这样的一条释义: a student who holds the bachel...[详细]
“That's OK.”居然是“不同意”!
今天就来为大家科普一下英语中那些容易让人会错意的英语表达,get到这些小知识,就能避免不少尴尬的状况啦! Whats it to you? 这句话一开始听起来很奇怪,有些让人摸不着头脑,别会错意,这句话不是在问它给了你什么?,而是你为什么在乎它?,那么言外之意就是关你什么事?,对方的语气如果很强硬的时候那你就乖乖闭嘴不要再追问了。 Didnt you call Mary today? 你今天没有打电话给玛丽吗? Whats it to you? 关你什么事? 其实,这样的说法不是很礼貌,尤其当语气强硬的时...[详细]
“我也是”,别再说“Me too”了……
今天小编给大家搜集了口语表达上超常用又超地道的说法,让你自豪的脱口而出! 与他人交谈时,想要表达我也是: 你可能会说:Me too! 这样说更酷:Same here. 你正在做个决定,但实际上,根本八字还没一撇: 你可能会说: I havent decided yet. 更简洁说法:Its up in the air! 想请教他人姓名时: 你可能会说:Whats your name? 这样说更礼貌:May I have your name? 别人问了你一个私密的问题: 你可能会说:Its my secre...[详细]
如果想要学好英语,和歪果仁一样地道,除了标准的发音外,你还得要懂俚语,这样才能和歪果仁无障碍交流。 今天给大家分享几个关于数学的俚语,看看真正的意思你都知道吗? five-and-ten 五和十 廉价商品;杂货店,小零售店 The meat is five- and -ten recently. 最近肉很便宜。 怎么理解five-and-ten表示廉价商品意思?原来five-and-ten是five-and-ten-cent store的简写,美国人说习惯了就直接说five-and-ten,这里的five...[详细]
经常和歪果仁网络聊天、邮件往来的小伙伴 对 Sorry,WC 应该不陌生 不过第一次看到这句话的时候估计都懵了吧 为啥连上厕所都要跟我说? 但是这样的理解真的错的很离谱! 其实 WC = wrong chat = 发错人了 如果是别人错发给你,可以这么提醒他 Its a wrong chat. 你发错人了。 当你和老外沟通时,他们通常会说一些简化英语。这时,如果你不知道这些词的含义交流起来肯定会很困难。 所以,今天为大家整理了一些网络聊天中最常用英文缩写和简写,赶紧收藏吧! 表示问好 1.hiho=hol...[详细]
“You can say that again!”不是“你可以再说一遍”!
1. You can say that again! 说的好!一点儿都没错! 如果别人和你说You can say that again!可别以为是让你再说一遍,而是告诉你你说的一点儿没错,我很赞成。 If only there were no exams!We all need more rest. You can say that again. 要是没有考试就好了!我们都需要更多的休息。 一点儿没错! 2. I couldnt agree more! 我太同意了! 除了I couldnt agree ...[详细]
“I'm good”不是“我很好”!
从日常生活中学来的语言才是最鲜活的。今天小编就为大家整理了一些外国人常用的但学校根本不会教的地道英语表达!非常实用,快来看看吧! 1. Im good!不用了! Im good! 除了可以用来回答How are you?,表示我很好之外,口语中还可以表示,不用了。 例子: Do you want some chips with your sandwich? 你的三明治要带薯条吗? No, Im good. Thanks. 不用了,谢谢。 2. Appreciate it! 谢谢! 在美国,每次下公交车的时...[详细]
“I'm a little shy.”不能翻译成“我有点害羞”!
我们从小学习英语就知道shy是害羞的意思。 但是shy的意思你真得都了解吗? 1 #委婉地说我没钱 在生活中, 我没钱直接说: I don t have money, 多少会有点尴尬吧, 而且在英语中这样表达也会有点odd。这里介绍两种含蓄有趣的表达我没钱的说法: I m a little shy. 我钱不够了。 shy=缺乏的,不足的, 跟中文所说的囊中羞涩一样。 PS: Im shy 在一定语境下, 也是我害羞的意思。但是, 一般说自己害羞, 后边会加名词, 比如: Im a shy girl. 我是...[详细]
同样表示地铁,subway和metro到底有什么不同呢?快和英语小编一起看看吧。 地铁为我们的日常出行提供了极大的便利,那同学们知道世界上第一条地铁是在哪里建成的吗? metro 地铁 metropolitan [ˌmetrəˈpɑːlɪtən] 大都市的 metro [ˈmetroʊ] n. 地铁 v. 大都市的 世界上第一条地铁是伦敦政府在1863年正式建成的,英文名是metropolitan railway,字面意思是大都市的铁路。 the Paris metro 巴黎地铁 后来,metropoli...[详细]
“egg apple”千万不要翻译成“鸡蛋苹果”
NO.1 egg apple 人们一看到说:哎呀,这个我认识,是鸡蛋苹果。分开说是这样的,但在一起并不是那么说的。其实它是茄子的意思。 茄子,英语单词是eggplant,但是还有一种英国人常说的茄子就是egg apple,茄子的外形跟这两个食物也是相差不多的,所以也很好记,跟鸡蛋和苹果外形差不多的,就是茄子啦! 例: Which is egg apple? 哪一种是茄子? NO.2 egg in your beer 英语短语egg in your beer的字面意思是啤酒里加鸡蛋,实际指的是得寸进尺。这个...[详细]
Nevertheless是被误用最多的英语词之一,这是因为人们对该词缺乏详细了解。 Nevertheless的副词用法最常见。它让受话人知道尽管发生了甲事情,但乙事件还是发生了(尽管甲事情按预期应该阻止乙事情发生)。如 【例句1】Felicia never liked reading novels, but she enjoyed that book nevertheless. (费利西亚从不喜欢看小说,但她却是喜欢那本书。) 1. Nevertheless的涵义是啥? 要想有效地正确地使用一个单词,您首...[详细]
“I eat no fish”,“我不吃鱼”!
如果一个英国人 一本正经的和你说 I eat no fish 可和吃不吃鱼没关系! 其实,许多关于fish的表达都和鱼没关系! eat no fish eat no fish表示:忠实可靠的人 它的来源是这样的: 英国女王伊丽莎白一世期间,规定了英国国教的教义与仪式。对此,一部分教徒表示支持,另一部分则坚决反对。那些支持决定的教徒为了表示对女王的忠诚,不再遵守罗马天主教规定的每星期五都要吃鱼的规定 。 eat no fish一语便被用来喻指忠诚的人、诚实的人了。由于它源于英国的宗教文化,所以如果你跟美国人...[详细]
1 shanghai 查了一下牛津词典,shanghai 的解释是:to trick or force somebody into doing something that they do not really want to do(坑蒙拐骗或威逼利诱某些人去做一些他们不愿意做的事情。) 这个词的来源是,早些年人们从欧洲来上海做生意,水手们一般不愿意这样远渡重洋,船长都是先把他们骗上来,等开船后水手们才发现要去的是上海,就说We are shanghaied. (我们被骗了!) 再回到刚才那句:I got...[详细]
“累死了”可别说“very tired”!
今天忙了一天,一个朋友喊我出去玩,我直接来了句: Im beat. I just want to sleep. (我太累了,我只想睡觉。) 结果朋友说,什么,youre beat 你被打了? 无语......我赶紧跟他解释,beat也有筋疲力尽的意思,我是说我太累了,我要睡觉了。 其实我们平时说累,大家都会想到tired,但是还有更地道的英语表达哦! Beat 疲惫不堪 作动词时,beat有打的意思,但是做形容词时,beat有精疲力尽,疲惫不堪的意思。 例句: Im beat. 我太累了。 Wiped o...[详细]
“Not to worry”才不是让你“别担心”呢!
英语里有很多套路,要看具体语境,才能确定别人真正的意思! 1 Its fine.Im fine. 嘴上说: 还好。我很好。 最容易误会就是这个fine了。How are you?Im fine. 课本洗脑循环啊有没有!?你以为是人家说挺好的 心里却: It really couldnt get any worse, but it probably will do 情况真的不能再糟了,但有可能真的会更糟 2 I might join you later. 嘴上说: 我待会儿就来加入你们。 心里却: Im n...[详细]
博士学位是doctor degree吗?
最近博士一词在媒体上炒来炒去,什么水博士、假博士、菲律宾博士等等,说来说去的本质就是博士学位的含金量究竟够不够。 大家都知道博士是英文doctor, 那么博士学位是不是doctor degree呢? 答案是否定的! 1. 博士学位的三种翻译 中文博士的士乃人的意思,同样doctor中的-or也是...者,...人的意思。 Doctor是名词。虽然英语可以用名词修饰名词,但是这并不是它喜欢的方式。所以要从doctor造出一个形容词来,这就是doctorial。 因此博士学位的英语是doctorial deg...[详细]
“蹭网”真的不是“steal Wifi”!
低头族到处都是,蹭网族也是一股不小的清流, 商场,路口,公交车上,酒吧,地铁站,处处可见蹭网大军,那么蹭网,用英语怎么说呢? 蹭网 Wi-fi squatter squat [skwɒt] 蹲,蹲下 squatter [skwɒtə] 蹲着的人 (想像一下站也不是,坐也不是的蹭网大军,蹲着蹭网的人,是不是很形象?) 对于经常蹭网的人来说,下面这句话绝对不陌生: Do you know how to hack into your neighbors Wifi network? 知道怎样破解邻居Wifi密码么...[详细]
“change the bed”不是“换床”!
有些英语表达不能照着每个单词的意思去理解。 change the bed 是换床单,不是换床!理解错了就尴尬了。 例句: - Your room is quite neat. 你的房间挺整洁呀! - I change the bed once a week. 我一周换一次床单。 还有哪些容易理解错的英文呢? eleventh hour 最后时刻 ✔ 十一点 ✘ blind date 相亲,男女初次会面 ✔ 盲目约会或瞎约会 ✘ busybody 爱管闲事的人 ✔ 大忙人 ✘ rest room 厕所 ✔ ...[详细]
“join a party”居然是中式英语?
很多小伙伴们会把参加派对,说成join a party,并且自信的认为这是很地道的英语口语表达。其实在日常口语中,join基本上不能翻译为参加,join a party这个用法,外国人表达的是另外一个意思.... 为什么join 参加? join=加入,成为其中一员 join the party 参加派对 = 加入派对人员名单 (侧重于成为其中的一员) 如果你邀请别人,说Would you like to join us?比would you like to join the party, 更加口语化。也...[详细]
在国外,很多路上都会有带 XING 字样的标识。你可别以为它是汉语拼音哦! 路标上的XING,则是用X代替cross。XING就是crossing,意思是交叉路口,十字路口。而PED是pedestrian/pəˈdes.tri.ən/的缩写,意思是行人,步行者。所以PED XING就是pedestrian crossing,人行道的意思。 还有哪些常用易错的英语缩写呢,大家一起来学一学! GIF动图不读G-I-F 这个词是Graphic Interchange Format(可交换的图像文件)的缩写,但在...[详细]
现在weather(天气)是火词(hotword),但常常会跟whether(是否)弄混了。另外wether(阉羊)不常用,但容易被看花成前两个单词。 Weather源自古英语weder,进一步源自原日耳曼语的*wedra-,其中*we-有blow的含义(wind也源自*we-)。Weder中的-d-变成-th-始于15c晚期。至于we-什么时候变成wea-,尚待考证。 Weather的天气含义是英语的特有词。古希腊有aithria和eudia两个词,他们表达goodweather(storm和winte...[详细]
“live in hotel”不是“住酒店”!
我们都知道live有 生活 , 定居 的意思,然而不同情况下,我们还是要学会灵活应用。 场景: 两个外国人在喝咖啡...... Where do you live? 你住哪啊? Oh,I live in a hotel. 我在酒店长住。 You are so rich! 你真有钱。 Why? 为啥? You do live in a hotel for years, right? 你是要在酒店住几年,对吧? No,no no,just three days. 不,只待三天。 解析: live,虽然有住的意...[详细]
“Forget it”可不是“忘了吧”!
生活中我们难免会不如意, 身边的朋友就会安慰我们: 都会过去的, 忘了吧。 很多人会不经意的以为, 忘了吧就是forget it 其实不是这样的! 【Forget it不是忘了吧!】 这句话在不同语境下有不同的含义! ①不要在意! 假如你不小心做了一件错事, 感到非常愧疚和伤心时, 有人来安慰你说forget it! 这时, 他的意思就是让你忘掉这个事---别在意! 例句: -Sorry, I didnt phone. 对不起, 我没有打电话来。 -Forget it. 没关系。 ②别说了, 省省吧! 要...[详细]
“买单”不要说“pay the bill”啦!
请客买单 是人际交往中的艺术,巧妙处理可让我们的人际关系更加顺畅,处理不当则会陷入尴尬境地。 和外国朋友一起吃饭时,热情好客的中国人总会抢着去买单。很多人都不知道怎么用英文和外国友人说: 我请你吃饭,今天我买单! 下面和大家一起学习有关 买单 的地道英语表达:我们都要做一个会潇洒、做东请客的人。 吃饭买单英文 1. have/get the bill 最常用的用法,其他类似表达:pick up the bill; foot the bill 例句: Can we have the bill please?...[详细]
“一般般”竟然不是“just so so”?
如何用英语表达还凑合、一般般这类词?下面的英语口语将帮你准确地表达出自己的态度和想法。 Its okay 好吧 图片 发音时将重音放在okay上面,就可以表示你并不情愿。 May I use your lipstick? 我可以借用你的口红吗? What?Ohits okay 什么?额好吧 Not bad 不好不坏 Not bad 的意思是不好不坏,可以理解成咱们平常说的还不错、还可以。 Have you tried my dish? 你尝过我做的菜了吗? Yeah!Not bad. 嗯!还不错! sor...[详细]
“Apples and oranges”不是“苹果和橘子”!
苹果是Apple,橘子是Orange,那么合在一起后的Apples and Oranges就是苹果和橘子吗?当然没这么简单!今天我们就来学学水果有关的地道英语表达! 1 Apples and Oranges apples and oranges 英英释义:to compare things that are very different,表示风马牛不相及的事物;天差地别的事物。 You cant compare your job as a doctor to mine as a musician that...[详细]
“It's a long story”可不是“一个长故事”!
影视英语视频号把英文电影和英美剧中出现频率较高的英语口语表达剪辑整理到一块儿,便于英语爱好者们精听精练,模仿语音语调。看完小视频记得点个小心心哦! 就像咱们日常说话的口头禅一样, 英语中也有一些这样既简短 又可以轻松表达态度的常用英语口语, 一起来看看吧! Have a nice day Have a nice day. 祝你今天愉快,祝你有美好的一天 P.S. 你还可以用 Have a good day. 或 Have a good one. 所表达的意思是一样的。 Its a long story I...[详细]
“鸡腿”千万不要翻译成“Chicken Leg”!
在日常生活中,童鞋们会吃到各种鸡肉,如鸡胸,鸡翅等,今天就来学习些地道的美食英语表达吧! 1 鸡腿到底怎么说? 有时候,我们会去国外旅行或者和外国的小伙伴一起就餐,这时我们会发现很多文化差异,例如,你想要吃鸡腿之类的,你肯定会说chicken leg,chicken ,然而在西方文化中,并不会说的那么具体,他们会直接说:some chicken。 Come on, children! Help yourselves to some chicken. 来吧,孩子们,请随意吃些鸡肉吧! 当然了,如果你非要表达...[详细]
生活中最怕遇到小心眼的人, 和心思多的人交流, 还没意识到自己说了什么, 对方就不高兴了, 不得不默默地问自己 我到底哪里得罪他啦图片 哎, 其实歪果仁也有这种烦恼呢! 得罪这个词, 你一定非常熟悉,但你知道用英语怎么说吗? offend /əˈfend/v. 冒犯, 惹恼, 得罪 例句1: I dont want to offend anyone in the room. 我不想得罪房间里任何人。 例句2: I really didnt mean to offend her - I just said ...[详细]
“Good luck”不一定是“祝你好运”!
Good luck不一定是祝你好运! 如果你在那吹牛皮 或者非要做一件别人不同意的事 一句good luck 是在结束和你的争论 并决定看你出洋相! (内心戏:no zuo no die,这事儿准没戏~) Good luck 字面意思:祝你好运 实际意思:我看没戏(别吹了) 例句: I think I will be the next president. 我觉得,下一个总统就是我! Good luck! 祝你好运!(潜台词:吹吧你就) PS:除了good luck, Good luck to you, ...[详细]
“big name”可不是“大名”!
big name 可不是我们称呼别人的小名、大名的大名,说错了歪果仁会很纳闷!今天我们就来看几个关于name的英语表达! 1 big name big name可不是大名,在这里指大名鼎鼎的人,知名人士。因为name本身有名人的意思,相当于big potato。 例句: Are there any big names in the movie? 这部电影里有名人吗? 2 make a name for yourself 给自己制定一个名字,那就是让自己出名啦。 例句: How do you make a ...[详细]
“There you go”和“Here you go”
Here you go. 和 There you go.听起来只有一词不一样,所以很多人都会乱用。那么there you go和here you go有什么具体的区别吗? 有些人说 here you go 听着比 there you go 要更平易近人一些。有些人说可能有距离的区分,there you go 稍微远一点。但事实上,这两个英语口语表达是不能用它们的直译来理解的。要想准确理解这两个英语口语表达的地道用法和含义,关键是看它们在哪种情景中出现。在美剧中,这两个英语表达出现的频率都非常高。 Ther...[详细]
“white wine”不是“白酒”!
望文生义是学英语的大忌。 不要凭感觉学英语! 图片 1. white wine white wine A. 白酒(✘) B. 白葡萄酒(✔) 例句: Would you like a glass of white wine? 要来一杯白葡萄酒么? 敲黑板: wine是由发酵的葡萄汁制成,与我们所说的白酒相去甚远. white wine 白葡萄酒 red wine 红葡萄酒 白酒是一种度数较高的蒸馏酒,度数比较高的酒可以用spirits[spɪrɪts] 烈酒来形容。最早起源于我们中国, 所以可以说: Ch...[详细]
“Let me see”可不是“让我看看”!
平时聊天的时候,想必很多人脑子里多多少少都听周围的人说过这样一句Chinglish:Let me see see或者Let me look look。 时间长了,大家都会对这句中式英语习以为常,甚至脑子里认为这句话的意思就是让我看看,认为这么翻译是很对的。 实际上,你在不知不觉中已经踏进了Chinglish的坑~ Let me see可不是让我看看! 这里的Let me see中的see实际上是和think是一个意思,实际上是让我想一想的意思... 例句: --Now let me see, whos t...[详细]
“你真漂亮”不要说“You're so beautiful”!
看到漂亮的美女,你是不是总会说Youre so beautiful.,虽然没有错误,不过这种说法太老套了,今天我们来学习更为传神的表达! 颜值高 除了beautiful,另外两个词也非常好用,相信你一定见过:pretty,good-looking。 例句: Mary is such a pretty girl. 玛丽真是个漂亮的女孩。 Your sister is quite good-looking. 你妹妹真的很好看。 令人惊艳 走在街上,如果看到让人惊艳的美女,还可以用gorgeous. 让人眼前一...[详细]
“She's a ten”可不是“她是十”!
Shes a ten可不是她是十, 理解错就尴尬了! Shes a ten Shes a ten.不能直译为她是十,会让人觉得不知所云。这句英语真正的意思是指某人十分完美,满分。 想想假如给某个女生打分的话,如果你觉得很美,那么她就是10分满分。 例句: She is a perfect ten. 她长得超赞的。 当然,形容女生很漂亮 英语还可以这样说 图片用英语还可以怎样称赞美女? 01 形容美女的单词 如果美女美到让人惊艳 可以用stunning [stʌnɪŋ] 也可以用gorgeous [gɔːd...[详细]
今天跟英语小编一起学习最常用的邮件英语术语 OOO是个自动回复 一般收到这个回复,就表明对方在休假 是对方设置的自动回复 OOO =Out of Office =不上班,休假中 (有时候也写成OoO~) 以此告诉对方 不能及时回复邮件~ 例: Thanks for your mail. I am OOO for annual leave. 感谢来信,我正在休年假。 如果你的邮件不需要回复 后边通常会加 NRN =No Reply Necessary =不用回复 (勿回,免回~) CC是什么意思? CC:c...[详细]
“好吃”不要说“very delicious”!
大家回想一下,不管是在给歪果仁介绍中国美食时,还是在英文写作中,你有没有说过类似这样的表达:These foods are very delicious. 估计很多同学都看不出这句英语哪里有问题,其实在英文中,如果要说什么东西非常好吃,直接说delicious就可以了,加上very反倒错了。 delicious本身就是一个表示程度很深的词,带有非常,绝对的意思,相当于very tasty,所以没有必要在前面再加上very了。直接说Its delicious就好。 但是如果你想强调这个东西真的非常好吃,可以...[详细]
“It's not my day”不能翻译成“这不是我的日子”!
Its not my day. 每天讲解一个实用口语表达,帮你轻松学英语!常用的口语表达学透,才能真正提高英语口头交流的能力。今天要和大家分享的口语表达是:Its not my day. 这个英语口语表达的字面意思是:今天不是我的一天,就是说:我今天很不走运,很不顺。 What a bummer! I lost my cellphone on my way here. Its not my day. 真倒霉!来这儿的路上把我的手机弄丢了。我今天真不走运。 Shoot! Im not myself toda...[详细]
“​我身体不舒服”不是“​I feel uncomfortable.”
身体不舒服, 不是uncomfortable 请病假的时候,如果你和老板说: I feel uncomfortable. 那距离老板开除你就不远了! uncomfortable是描述尴尬, 不自在, 不合适, 害怕的状态。 例句: ♕ She always felt slightly uncomfortable in a hat. 她戴帽子总是觉得有点不自在。 ♕ I felt him watching me uncomfortably. 我感到他在难为情地望着我。 身体不舒服该怎么说? 身体不舒服, 不...[详细]
“up someone's sleeve”不是“卷起袖子”!
up someones sleeve 每天讲解一个实用口语表达,帮你轻松学英语!常用的口语表达学透,才能真正提高英语口头交流的能力。今天要和大家分享的口语表达是:up someones sleeve。 sleeve是袖子的意思,但这个表达可不是:在某人的袖子上的意思哦~!而是指某人有秘密,或者某人隐藏着锦囊妙计。 - Do you trust that I have a genius scheme up my sleeve? - 你相信我有高明过人的妙策吗? - Come on, I dont buy i...[详细]
"车牌号"不要再说"car number"!
车牌号 英语怎么说呢? 大到卡车,小到轿车,现在连电动车都要上车牌了,你还不知道车牌号英语怎么说? 有同学一定会觉得小case,脱口而出: carnumber! Oh,saveit(得了吧)!完全错误! 车牌号在英语里有专门的表达: license plate number 车牌号 license [laɪsns] 执照, 许可证 plate [pleɪt] (印有文字或数字的)金属牌; 车牌 number [nʌmbə] 数字 这样看, 是不是一目了然了? 例句: Whats your license ...[详细]
“out of juice”不是“果汁喝没了”!
Juice这个词除了果汁之外,还有可以有很多意思,学起来~! Out of juice 没电了 ☑ out of juice=out of power 是没电了的意思。 ☑ 例句: My phone is out of juice. Can I use your phone? 我手机没电了,我能借你电话打一下吗? NO.2 On the juice 狂饮作乐 ☑ 这里不能直译,真正的含义是酗酒 ☑ 例句: She wont be able to return your call. Im afraid sh...[详细]
“not half good”不是“不到一半好”的意思!
not half是什么意思呢?看到not half这两个单词,很多小伙伴都会说:我知道这什么意思,多简单啊,half是一半,not half就是不到一半呀。 其实,这种理解是片面的。not half的确能够表示不到一半的意思。 比如说: The work is not half done yet. 这项工作还没做完一半。 但在很多时候,这个明明看起来具有否定意味的not half还可以表达肯定的意思。今天,我们给大家举出3种不同语境中not half的意思。 1 如果not half后面加了形容词或者副词...[详细]
“Tell me about it.”不是“告诉我吧”!
1. Tell me about it ! 就是啊!你说的对! 大家看到这句话最先想到的就是告诉我吧的意思,但其实这句话可以完美表达你说得对的意思,而且情绪激动到快要喊出来了。 I get so annoyed with Steve! Tell me about it! He drives me crazy. 史蒂夫把我烦透了! 你算说对了。他快把我逼疯了。 2. Youre telling me!说的就是!太对了! 同样的,这句话也不是字面上的意思而是表达你说的太对了。 Jessica is reall...[详细]
“What a shame!”可不是“多么可耻”!
英语中很多表达字面意思和真正要表达的相距甚远。今天我们就来看几个容易望文生义的英文表达~ What a shame! What a shame! 【误】真可耻! 【正】多可惜!真遗憾! 大家都知道shame是耻辱的意思, 于是很自然地就会以为What a shame! 是多么可耻。可是What a shame! 却是多么遗憾!多么可惜的意思。 例句: What a shame we missed the wedding. 真遗憾, 我们错过了婚礼! You cant make it to the part...[详细]
“黄头发”不是“yellow hair”!
黄头发 用英语怎么说?相信很多同学的第一反应可能会是 yellowhair ,但这种说法是不正确的。 yellow这个颜色词在英语文化中是比较敏感的,比如你会发现美国人称呼黑人为black,白人叫white,但称呼黄种人不用 yellowpeople ! 虽然我们常说亚洲人是黄种人,但是不可以用yellow来描述黄种人。如果看到一个黄种人,直接叫人家yellow,这里就有种族歧视的意思,可以用 Asian (亚洲人)来表达出这个意思。 所以在形容黄头发的时候,千万不要说yellowhair,地道的表达是 ...[详细]
“小姐姐”英文可不是“small sister”!
近年来,很流行称呼年轻漂亮的男生或女生为小哥哥,小姐姐。 最近有同学问老师问题的时候,就对我说: Small sister(不是小姐姐),could you please tell me how to learn English well? 后面那句倒是可以理解,你能告诉我怎样能学好英语吗?但是small sister真的不是小姐姐的意思!外国人会直接把它理解为妹妹的意思。 那么如何正确表达小姐姐的英文说法?如何摆脱中式英语?很简单,我们一定要从真实意义上来出发。 首先,对女士的称呼有这几种: Madam...[详细]
“That's OK.”居然是“不同意”!
今天就来为大家科普一下英语中那些容易让人会错意的英语表达,get到这些小知识,就能避免不少尴尬的状况啦! Whats it to you? 这句话一开始听起来很奇怪,有些让人摸不着头脑,别会错意,这句话不是在问它给了你什么?,而是你为什么在乎它?,那么言外之意就是关你什么事?,对方的语气如果很强硬的时候那你就乖乖闭嘴不要再追问了。 Didnt you call Mary today? 你今天没有打电话给玛丽吗? Whats it to you? 关你什么事? 其实,这样的说法不是很礼貌,尤其当语气强硬的时...[详细]
“您先请”不是“You go first”!
也许你最先想到的是You go first. 或是 You go,please. 如果是想要礼貌性地表达您先请,上面这两个表达都有问题,不是外国人真正想表达的意思。 举个例子:电梯来了,你想请对方先走进去,顺口来了句: The elevator is here. You go first. 这句话原本是好意,但在老外听来却有些刺耳, 因为You go first.听起来像个命令。 那该怎么说才礼貌呢? 老外会说After you.意思是我在您后面走,您先请。你看,这句话是不是听上去就让人舒服多了。 那么,...[详细]
Rise up upon hearing the crow of a rooster and practise with
闻鸡起舞 Riseupuponhearingthecrowofarooster andpractisewiththesword IntheJinDynasty,therewasamannamedZuTiwhowasopen-mindedandhasgreatambitions.Butwhenhewasachild,hewasanaughtychildwhodidntliketoreadbooks.Whenheenteredtheyouth,herealizedthathisknowledgewaspoor...[详细]
Lamb dressed as a wolf《小羊扮狼》
小羊扮狼 Lamb dressed as a wolf A little lamb was confused for a moment, put a wolf skin on himself, and came to the flock to walk around. In fact, the lamb is just trying to show the limelight. 有一只小羊一时糊涂,给自己披上一张狼皮,来到羊群里走来走去。其实小羊不过是想出出风头。 But the shepherd dog...[详细]
The helpful pilot《乐于助人的飞行员》
乐于助人的飞行员 The helpful pilot A plane flew from Seattle to San Francisco and stopped in Sacramento, California. The flight attendant enthusiastically said to everyone: Dear passengers, we stayed in Sacramento, please leave the plane to take a break for the t...[详细]
Fish waiting quietly under the sea《在海底静静等待的鱼》
在海底静静等待的鱼 Fish waiting quietly under the sea The bottom of the sea is a magical place. There are so many fish here. If you want to survive, you can rely on speed or strength, but there is a kind of fish that does the opposite. 海底是个神奇的地方,这里鱼类众多,要想生存下去,无外乎倚...[详细]
Conservative conch《墨守成规的海螺》
墨守成规的海螺 Conservative conch The shell of the conch is quite hard, and it lives without worry, because it is convinced that no one can hurt it without sticking its head out. Its friend Butterfly Fish said admiringly to it: Spirit brother, your key is really...[详细]
Unintentional deer《无心的鹿》
无心的鹿 Unintentional deer The lion was ill. I heard that the blood and heart of the deer could cure his own disease. He sent the fox to find the biggest deer in the forest and tricked it into the hole. 狮子病了,听说鹿的血和心脏能治自己的病,便派狐狸去找森林中最大的鹿,并把它骗到洞里来。 When the fo...[详细]
The more choices, the less gain《选择越多,获得越少》
选择越多,获得越少 The more choices, the less gain Psychologists did an experiment: choose a supermarket, put 24 kinds of jams on the first day, and put 6 kinds of jams the next day. As a result, the jams sold the next day are several times the first day. The psyc...[详细]
Beat yourself《击败自己》
击败自己 beat yourself When I chatted with others a few days ago, I suddenly heard this sentence: If you need to beat yourself in one fell swoop, what do you do? If you want to become stronger, you should consider this question. 前几天同别人聊天的时候,突然听到这么一句话:如果你现在需要一...[详细]
After falling《跌倒以后》汉译英
跌倒以后 After falling Once, I looked after my children at home. He played loading and unloading games in a pile of sand, and I was sitting close to playing mobile phones. Suddenly, he was stumped by a toy shovel. I got up and went to help him, but he climbed...[详细]
Grinding an Iron Rod into a Needle《铁杵磨成针》汉译英
铁杵磨成针 Grinding an Iron Rod into a Needle Li Bai was a great poet in the Tang Dynasty of China。 李白是中国唐朝的一位伟大诗人。 It is said that in his childhood, he was very fond of playing and afraid of difficulties, and made slowprogress in his studies。 传说,他小时候很贪玩,怕困难,读...[详细]
The funeral of the Lions Queen《狮后的葬礼》汉译英
狮后的葬礼 The funeral of the Lions Queen The lion queen died, the animals came to mourn, and the lion felt even more sad when he saw this. The Lion King will be held throughout the country, and the funeral will be held as scheduled. The ceremonial officials w...[详细]
Little boys's dream《小男孩的梦想》汉译英
小男孩的梦想 Little boyss dream A young boy left his lame and jagged and prominent teeth due to polio, and he considered himself to be the most unfortunate child in the world. No classmates are willing to play games with him. When the teacher asks him to answer...[详细]
Warning from the fox《狐狸的警告》汉译英
狐狸的警告 Warning from the fox The fox turned around next to a locked chicken cage and there was no way to catch the chicken inside. 狐狸在一只紧锁着的鸡笼子旁边转来转去的,没有办法抓住里面的小鸡。 So, he said to the chicken in the chicken cage: I tell you, yesterday I accidentally heard yo...[详细]
Small apple tree looking for a doctor《寻找医生的小苹果树》汉译英
寻找医生的小苹果树 Small apple tree looking for a doctor One morning, the warm sun shone on the earth, and the apple tree and the old apple tree sang together with joy. Suddenly, the old apple said sadly: Hey, my stomach hurts. The apple tree is anxious. 一天早晨,温暖的阳...[详细]
The Monkey and the peach《小猴摘桃》汉译英
小猴摘桃 The Monkey and the peach There is a little monkey on Monkey Hill. He is smart and lively. He always likes to leave things behind and can t do anything well. 猴山上有一只小猴子,又聪明又活泼,就是老爱丢三落四,什么事也做不好。 One day,It sneaked down the hill. He walked and walked int...[详细]
Sleep On Brushwood and Taste Gall《卧薪尝胆》汉译英
卧薪尝胆 Sleep On Brushwood and Taste Gall During the Spring and Autumn period (770-476BC), the State of Wu launched an attack against the State of Yue. The King of Wu was seriously wounded and soon died. His son Fu Chai became the new King. Fu was determined...[详细]
Show feet of clay《黔驴技穷》汉译英
黔驴技穷 Show feet of clay In ancient times there were no donkeys in Guizhou province. Somebody brought a donkey from somewhere and tied it to a tree at the foot of a mountain. 过去贵州(黔)这个地方没有驴。有个多事的人用船运来了一头驴,运来后却没有什么用处,就把驴放到山脚下。 A tiger saw the donkey, and tho...[详细]
love me,love my dog《爱屋及乌》汉译英
爱屋及乌 love me,love my dog There was a state called zhou in the chinese history. 中国历史上有一个国家名叫周。 One day, the king of zhou asked his officials for advice on deal with prisoners of war. 一天,周王问他的官员,应该怎样处理战俘。 An official said, i once heard if you love someone, ...[详细]
The shackles of the hills《一丘之貉》汉译英
一丘之貉 The shackles of the hills During the Han Dynasty Emperor Xuan Emperor, there was a famous person named Yang Yun, his father was the prime minister of the Han Dynasty, and his mother was the daughter of historian Sima Qian. He was well-educated from a...[详细]
To have complete bamboo on one s mind《胸有成竹》汉译英
胸有成竹 to have complete bamboo on one s mind In the song Dynasty (960-1279),there was a scholar whose name was Wen Tong and who styled himself Yuke. He was not only admired by others for his great learning, but also enjoyed widespread renown for his bamboo ...[详细]
Quenching Thirst by Watching Plums《望梅止渴》汉译英
望梅止渴 Quenching Thirst by Watching Plums One summer, Cao Cao was leading his troops in a punitive expedition against Zhang Xiu. It was extraordinarily hot. The burning sun was like a fire, and the sky was cloudless. The soldiers were walking on the winding...[详细]
Origin of Mother's Day《母亲节的起源》汉译英
母亲节的起源 Origin of Mothers Day In 1876, the United States was still mourning the dead of the Civil War. Anna Marie Jarvis gave a lecture on the National Day of the United States in the chapel. After talking about the heroic story of the death in the battle,...[详细]
To have an image of bamboo in one s mind《入木三分》汉译英
入木三分 To have an image of bamboo in one s mind Wang Xi-zhi is one of the most famous calligraphers during the Eastern Jin Dynasty of China. When he was very young, he practiced his art every day and never stopped. 王羲之是中国东晋时代一个很有名的书法家,他从小就刻苦练字,从不间断。 Later h...[详细]
Within an ace of winning《功亏一篑》汉译英
功亏一篑 within an ace of winning In ancient times, there was a man who wanted to build a nine-foot high mountain, equivalent to the current 72-foot mountain. 古时候,有一个人要筑一座九仞高的山,相当于现在的七十二尺的山。 He piled up year after year, regardless of the cold and heat, squand...[详细]
The latecomers are on《后来居上》汉译英
后来居上 The latecomers are on Ji An lived at the time of Emperor Wudi of the Western Han Dynasty (206 B.C.-A.D.24). He was respected for being upright and just and for daring to speak the truth. He did not bother about amall matters in personal behaviour and...[详细]
Four sides of the song《四面楚歌》汉译英
四面楚歌 Four sides of the song Xiang Yu and Liu Bang originally agreed to use the divide as the boundary and not infringe each other. Later, Liu Bang listened to the advice of Zhang Liang and Chen Ping. He felt that he should destroy Xiangyu when he was weak...[详细]
Give up halfway《半途而废》汉译英
半途而废 Give up halfway During the Warring States Period (475-221BC), there was a man called Yue Yangzi in State Yue. One day he saw a piece of gold on the road and picked it up. He took it home and gave it to his wife. But his wife was not happy. The virtuo...[详细]
food handed out in contempt《嗟来之食》汉译英
嗟来之食 food handed out in contempt One year during the spring and autumn period (春秋时期,770-476 bc), there was a the qi state (齐国) was severely strickend by a famine. 春秋时代,有一年齐国发生大饥荒。 Qian ao (qin o 黔敖), a very rich but arrogant man took the occasion to showc...[详细]
What is Said Carries Weight《一言为重》汉译英
一言为重 What is Said Carries Weight In ancient times, there was a prime minister named Shang Yang in the State of Qin. He was held in high regard by the King. In the year 359 BC, he prepared for a political reform to promote the economic development. But he ...[详细]
Perfectly impartial《大公无私》汉译英
大公无私 Perfectly impartial During the Spring and Autumn Period (770-476 BC), a very noble official caled Qi Huangyang lived in the State of Jin. One day, the king summoned him to court and asked, Now that the magistrate position of Nanyang county is vacant,...[详细]
揠苗助长 To Pull up the Seedlings to Help Them Grow In the spring and autumn period, there was a farmer who was impatient by nature. he thought his rice shoots were growing too slowly, so he decided to help them by pulling them. 有个急性子的宋国人,日夜盼望稻田里的稻子快些长大。可是,稻子...[详细]
投鼠忌器 Do not burn you house to get rid of a mouse There is a story in Hanshu telling of a rich man, who being a lover of s and had a large collection. Among them was a rare vase made of jade.The vase of exquisite workmanship and of historical value and he ...[详细]
滥竽充数 Be there just to make up the number During the warring states period (475-221bc), the king of the state of qi was very fond of listening to yu ensembles. He often got together 300 yu players to form a grand music. 战国时,齐宣王喜欢听竽,通常是三百人的大合奏。 The king tre...[详细]
横槊赋诗 Cao Cao Sings an Ode with Leveled Spear This is a story from three kingdoms. After suppressing the separatist(分离主义的) forces in the north and taking control of the court, Cao cao led his 830,000-strong army to the north bank of the yangtze river, aimi...[详细]
不学无术 Had neither knowledge nor skill In the reign of Emperor Wudi of the Han Dynasty, Grand General Huo Guang was a minister who occupied a decisive position at court and was deeply trusted by the emperor. when Emperor Wudi was dying, he entrusted Huo Gua...[详细]
惊弓之鸟 A bird startled by the mere twang of a bow-string During the time of the Warring States (475-221 BC), there lived a well-known archer named Geng Ying whose art in shooting was excelled by none at his time. 战国时期,有个杰出的弓箭手,叫做更赢。他的射箭本领在当时可称是举世无双。 One day...[详细]
鲁班造鹊 Lu Ban Makes a Magpie During the Spring and Autumn Period (770一476 B.C.), a skillful craftsman named Gongshu Zi in the State of Lu, known to people as Lu Ban, made a magpie with bamboo and wood. 春秋时期,鲁国有个能工巧匠公输子,人称鲁班。他用竹木造了一只喜鹊。 A machine was install...[详细]
五十步笑百步 Those Who Flee 50 Steps Laugh at Those Who Fle 100 Steps One day, King Hui of Liang met Mencius and said:What a mess the political state of our neighbouring countries is in! When they govern their states, they never think of the people. But when th...[详细]
杞人忧天 The Man of Qi Worries About the Sky In the past, a man in the State of Qi went off into wild flights of fancy all day long. He was afraid that the sky might collapse, the land might cave in and he would have no place to live. He was so worried that h...[详细]
望洋兴叹 Sighing over One s Insignificance Before the Vast Sea When autumn came, all the water in the large and small rivers rose higher and flowed into the Yellow River. The surface of the River at once appeared much wider. On one side of the bank, one could...[详细]
争先恐后 The Striving to Be the First and Fearing to Lag Behind Wang Yuqi was a well-known expert in driving carriages in the State of Zhao. 王于期是赵国有名的驾车能手。 When Xiang Zi of Zhao heard of this, he asked Wang to teach him to drive a carriage. Not long after, Xi...[详细]
相辅相成 Complementing Each Other In the past, a man bragged about his bow: There is no bow better than mine. It doesn t need any arrow! 从前,有个人自夸他的弓,说:我的弓嘛,没有比这更好的了,好得不需要用什么箭的! Another man bragged about his arrow:There is no arrow better than而ne. It doesn t n...[详细]
楚人涉瘫 The Chu People Attempt to Wade Across the Yong River Once upon a time, the State of Chu planned to attack the State of Song. But the Yong River was the natural barrier against its surprise attack at night. 古时候,有一次,楚国准备进攻宋国,而瘫河是楚国夜间偷袭宋国的天然障碍。 To overc...[详细]
郑人买鞋 Man of Zheng Buys Shoes In the State of Zheng, there was a man who wanted to go into town to buy a pair of new shoes. 郑国,有个人想去城里买一双新鞋子。 Before leaving home, he measured his foot with a piece of straw for size. After he arrived at the town and entered...[详细]
“Don't tell me!”不是“别告诉我”!
Dont tell me 和别人说话的时候, 如果对方说Dont tell me 你可别理解错了! 他不是让你别说话了 而是对你的话表示怀疑! Dont tell me! 表面意思:别告诉我! 实际意思:我才不信呢! (骗谁呢~~~) ▼ I have failed my exam. Dont tell me! 我考试没及格. 我才不信呢!(骗谁呢你) Anything you say 通常表达对别人的意见表示赞同 可译为: 好的,听你的, 没问题 ▼ Ill be back at 7 p.m., can...[详细]
表达“我也是”,别再说“Me too”了……
与他人交谈时,想要表达我也是: 你可能会说:Me too! 这样说更酷:Same here. 你正在做个决定,但实际上,根本八字还没一撇: 你可能会说: I havent decided yet. 更简洁说法:Its up in the air! 想请教他人姓名时: 你可能会说:Whats your name? 这样说更礼貌:May I have your name? 别人问了你一个私密的问题: 你可能会说:Its my secret. 这样说更婉转:I would rather not say. 想问问...[详细]
“You can say that again!”
1. You can say that again! 说的好!一点儿都没错! 如果别人和你说You can say that again!可别以为是让你再说一遍,而是告诉你你说的一点儿没错,我很赞成。 If only there were no exams!We all need more rest. You can say that again. 要是没有考试就好了!我们都需要更多的休息。 一点儿没错! 2. I couldnt agree more! 我太同意了! 除了I couldnt agree ...[详细]
Decoding time, time of decoding和decoding's time什么区别呢?
英语的time至少有两个语义:时刻和时间,前者如3点28分,后者如3个小时28分钟,所以decoding time也有两个语义,解码发生时刻和解码所需时间。 解码发生时刻语义是解码进行时,解码所需时间语义是完成解码动作所需要的时间。 Time of decoding原则上也可以像decoding time一样有两种解读,但可能是它的of容易换成by或for。By(或for)的力度感要大,所以time by decoding或time for decoding更容易被理解为解码所需时间。这使得time of...[详细]
Make from与make of的区别
小时候学习 【例句1】A is made from B. 【例句2】A is made of B. 对它们的差异是这样死记硬背的:from四个字母比两个字母的of多,所以make from变化多,make of变化少。 1. 区别是啥? 有的材料说【例句1】的B到A是化学变化,而【例句2】的是物理变化。还有的材料说,make from需要变换(transform),而make of只谈组成(composition)。 不管是物理/化学变化,还是变换/组成, 都不太接地气。 其实,接地气的说法是:若A做成后...[详细]
“菜鸟”不是“new bird”,“带孩子”不是“with child”
今天来聊聊那些经常被大家误用的Chinglish吧~ 01 大家在公路上一定会常常看到新手开车的车标。 这时候,新手翻译成new hand或是new bird都是错误的,而应该翻译为green hand 千万不要理解为绿手,green在这里是指年轻、缺少经验的新人。 例如: He was a young fellow, very green, very immature. 他是个年轻的家伙,没什么经验,很不成熟。 除了green hand,还有几个单词也可以表示新手、菜鸟的意思。 rookie [rʊki...[详细]
《恋爱不是游戏》 Love Is Not a Game 没有在浮沉的人海中,翻过筋斗的和尚,不能算善知识; A Buddhist monk without having experienced ups and downs in the sea of mortals will have no claim to real wisdom. 没有受过恋爱洗礼的人生,不能算真人生。 Likewise, one who has never gone through the baptism of romantic lo...[详细]
Look you up and down(上下打量你):Look及物了?
英语中经常碰到下面这样句子, 【例句1】The guard looked us up and down and then let us in. (警卫上下打量我们,然后让我们进去。) 【例句2】 Raul looked him up and down, eyes opened wide with derision. (劳尔上下打量着他,眼睛因嘲笑而睁得大大的。) 两个例句的动词后面都直接有代词。这个代词从现代语法角度来看,肯定是宾语。不过,look在大部分场合都是不及物的,所以上述的奇怪用法就被很多词典标...[详细]
因噎废食 Giving Up Eating for Fear of Choking In the past, there was a man who had a large appetite. When he ate, he devoured ravenously. 从前,有个人饭量很大,吃起饭来,狼吞虎咽。 Once he wasn t careful enough so that a fishbone got stuck in his throat. The food was blocked in h...[详细]
东施效颦 Dong Shi Knits Her Brows in Imitation Xi Shi was a famous beauty of the State of Yue during the Spring and Autumn Period. 西施是春秋时期越国有名的美女。 Among Xi Shi s neighbours there was a very ugly woman whom everyone disliked and called Dong Shi. 西施的邻居中有一个长得很丑的...[详细]
鹬蚌相争 The Snipe Grapples with the Clam One day, a clam proudly opened its shells to sun itself on the river bank. A snipe passed by the clam and stretched its bill to peck at the clam s flesh. 一天,一只河蚌得意洋洋地张开壳,在河滩上晒太阳。有一只鹬鸟,从河蚌身边走过,就伸出嚎去啄河蚌的肉。 The clam hurr...[详细]
螳臂当车 The Mantis Tries to Stop the Chariot One day, Zhuang Gong, King of the State of Qi, went out in a chariot to hunt. 一天,齐庄公乘车外出打猎。 On the way, he saw a small insect raise both its arms, trying to stop the wheels of the chariot. Zhuang Gong of Qi was cu...[详细]
曲高和寡 Refined Songs Find Few Singers Long, long ago, King Wei of the State of Chu trusted Song Yu very much, but he often heard others say bad things against Song Yu. 很早很早以前,楚国的楚威王很信任宋玉,可是他又经常听到别人讲宋玉的坏话。 One day, King Wei of Chu asked Song Yu:Have you ever...[详细]
景公求雨 Jing Gong Prays for Rain One year it did not rain for a long time in the State of Qi, and there was an extremely severe drought. 有一年,齐国很长时间没有下雨,发生了特大旱灾。 Jing Gong, the King of Qi, was very worried. He wanted to offer sacrifices to the mountain deity ...[详细]
讳疾忌医 Hiding One s Sickness to Avoid Treatment One day, the miracle-working doctor Bian Que saw Huan Gong, King of the State of Cai, and said:Your Majesty, I think you are ill. But your illness is onlyunder the skin and can be easily cured. If you do not t...[详细]
混沌开窍 Making Features for Hun Dun The emperor of the South Sea was named Tiao, the emperor of the North Sea was named Hu, and the central emperor Hun Dun. 南海的皇帝,名字叫條;北海的皇帝,名字叫忽;中央的皇帝,名字叫浑沌。 Tiao and Hu often had contacts with each other and were very intim...[详细]
守株待兔 Stand by a tree stump waiting for a hare There is a farmer in the Song Dynasty who is digging in the fields. Suddenly, he saw a hare screaming out from the grass next to him, slamming into the tree stump on the edge of the field, and he fell there an...[详细]
  • nevertheless的涵义呢
    Nevertheless是被误用最多的英语词之一,这是因为人们对该词缺乏详细了解。 Nevertheless的副词用法最常见。它让受话人知道尽管发生了甲事情,但乙事件还是发生了(尽管甲事情按预期应该阻止乙事情发生)。如 【例句1】Felicia never liked reading novels, but she enjoyed that book nevertheless. (费利西亚从不喜欢看小说,但她却是喜欢那本书。) 1. Nevertheless的涵义是啥? 要想有效地正确地使用一个单词,您首...
  • 《螳臂当车》汉译英
    螳臂当车 The Mantis Tries to Stop the Chariot One day, Zhuang Gong, King of the State of Qi, went out in a chariot to hunt. 一天,齐庄公乘车外出打猎。 On the way, he saw a small insect raise both its arms, trying to stop the wheels of the chariot. Zhuang Gong of Qi was cu...
  • Look you up and down(上下打量你):Look及物了?
    英语中经常碰到下面这样句子, 【例句1】The guard looked us up and down and then let us in. (警卫上下打量我们,然后让我们进去。) 【例句2】 Raul looked him up and down, eyes opened wide with derision. (劳尔上下打量着他,眼睛因嘲笑而睁得大大的。) 两个例句的动词后面都直接有代词。这个代词从现代语法角度来看,肯定是宾语。不过,look在大部分场合都是不及物的,所以上述的奇怪用法就被很多词典标...
  • “It's a long story”可不是“一个长故事”!
    影视英语视频号把英文电影和英美剧中出现频率较高的英语口语表达剪辑整理到一块儿,便于英语爱好者们精听精练,模仿语音语调。看完小视频记得点个小心心哦! 就像咱们日常说话的口头禅一样, 英语中也有一些这样既简短 又可以轻松表达态度的常用英语口语, 一起来看看吧! Have a nice day Have a nice day. 祝你今天愉快,祝你有美好的一天 P.S. 你还可以用 Have a good day. 或 Have a good one. 所表达的意思是一样的。 Its a long story I...
  • “菜鸟”不是“new bird”,“带孩子”不是“with child”
    今天来聊聊那些经常被大家误用的Chinglish吧~ 01 大家在公路上一定会常常看到新手开车的车标。 这时候,新手翻译成new hand或是new bird都是错误的,而应该翻译为green hand 千万不要理解为绿手,green在这里是指年轻、缺少经验的新人。 例如: He was a young fellow, very green, very immature. 他是个年轻的家伙,没什么经验,很不成熟。 除了green hand,还有几个单词也可以表示新手、菜鸟的意思。 rookie [rʊki...
  • “not half good”不是“不到一半好”的意思!
    not half是什么意思呢?看到not half这两个单词,很多小伙伴都会说:我知道这什么意思,多简单啊,half是一半,not half就是不到一半呀。 其实,这种理解是片面的。not half的确能够表示不到一半的意思。 比如说: The work is not half done yet. 这项工作还没做完一半。 但在很多时候,这个明明看起来具有否定意味的not half还可以表达肯定的意思。今天,我们给大家举出3种不同语境中not half的意思。 1 如果not half后面加了形容词或者副词...
  • 《揠苗助长》汉译英
    揠苗助长 To Pull up the Seedlings to Help Them Grow In the spring and autumn period, there was a farmer who was impatient by nature. he thought his rice shoots were growing too slowly, so he decided to help them by pulling them. 有个急性子的宋国人,日夜盼望稻田里的稻子快些长大。可是,稻子...
  • Quenching Thirst by Watching Plums《望梅止渴》汉译英
    望梅止渴 Quenching Thirst by Watching Plums One summer, Cao Cao was leading his troops in a punitive expedition against Zhang Xiu. It was extraordinarily hot. The burning sun was like a fire, and the sky was cloudless. The soldiers were walking on the winding...
  • Grinding an Iron Rod into a Needle《铁杵磨成针》汉译英
    铁杵磨成针 Grinding an Iron Rod into a Needle Li Bai was a great poet in the Tang Dynasty of China。 李白是中国唐朝的一位伟大诗人。 It is said that in his childhood, he was very fond of playing and afraid of difficulties, and made slowprogress in his studies。 传说,他小时候很贪玩,怕困难,读...
  • Little boys's dream《小男孩的梦想》汉译英
    小男孩的梦想 Little boyss dream A young boy left his lame and jagged and prominent teeth due to polio, and he considered himself to be the most unfortunate child in the world. No classmates are willing to play games with him. When the teacher asks him to answer...